
Freeing Myself

Freeing Myself from My Negative Perceptions in the Postpartum By MJ Golias for the PSI Blog April 6, 2018I don’t “just let go” of anything; I analyze, then analyze some more. Many, including my husband, say that the “why” doesn’t…

Anxiety: My Manifestation

Anxiety: My Manifestation By M. J. Golias January 5, 2018 For Postpartum Support International Blog “I’m afraid. What if the power goes out and the A/C stops working?” I said to the older woman in the hair salon as I patted my freshly…


a poem by Suzanne Swanson for Postpartum Support International blog July 8, 2016  plea something               wrongthatbabydid not         glide into lovedid     notbring…

The Tyranny of Should

The Tyranny of Should Postpartum Support International Blog June 17, 2016 by Toki Castro-Tover Motherhood seems to come with a lot of "shoulds," some imposed by society, and some imposed by a mother's harshest critic—herself.A few…

Motherhood is Me

Motherhood is Me By Andrea Bates Postpartum Support International Blog March 19, 2016 Note: My daughter is now nine years old. This was written when she was younger and I thought I'd lose it if she called Mommy loudly one more time. I survived.…

The Living Grief of Parenthood

Postpartum Support International Blog December 21, 2015The Living Grief of Parenthood by Katayune Kaeni, Psy.D.It’s always there, sometimes just below the surface. Sometimes in your face. The push and pull of overwhelming elation…